
REVIEW: Reaper Bones - Kobolds

Ever since I first learned of them, I have been dying to pick up some of Reaper Miniatures Bones line of gaming miniatures. I really liked the concept of them. Low cost, good quality miniatures that you can populate a dungeon, army or whatever with while being kind to your wallet. So far, so good!

Above is Reaper's Promo for Bones

After placing my order with The Warstore I eagerly counted down the days to arrival. Neal from the Warstore advised me of a back order on the kobolds I ordered and this only made me more excited. These guys had to be awesome if an online retailer like him had stocking issues with the product!

Having ordered three blister packs of kobolds, my tiny little warband arrived after only a small delay. Eagerly I opened my package to review my newest additions to my collection.

QUALITY: I'm not sure if this is an issue due to the size of the model (small), or an issue with the Bones line in general, but I found the casting to be of slightly lesser quality than the metal miniatures Reaper produces. Don't get me wrong, I thought they were very nice! I just found it wasn't on par with the exceptional quality I would generally expect with their product. I would compare the casting of these models to the pre-painted collectible miniatures that Wiz Kids produces, but a bit better. In addition, there was no flash or mold lines on the figures. Some bending of weapons was required to straighten things out but it was definitely less work than you would spend with a regular plastic or metal miniature. 

PAINTING: These models painted up alright. Reaper advertises that a basecoat spray is not required, and I followed that advice. I did experience some issues with paint adhering, especially if I tried to thin it out at all. Reaper suggests using their Master Series Paints - a high quality acrylic. I used paints from Games Workshop's Citadel range, a range that I feel is comparable in quality to my experience. Next time I will definitely base the minis for ease of painting, but otherwise I was satisfied. As advertised, the paint did not chip after sufficiently drying. 

VALUE: At the time of writing, Reaper advertised these models at USD $3.49. I paid a little less through the Warstore. I feel that I got a great deal on this, even if I were to have paid full MSRP. These are indeed a great way to stock up on commonly used monsters or NPCs for a gamer like myself. I estimated that I spent about $0.50 a mini on this order, and that is great compared to the usual $2.00 I would spend per figure for similar premium models (Games Workshop, Reaper, etc). 

OVERALL: I would strongly recommend these miniatures, if you have need of larger quantities for goons, cannon fodder, meat bags and the like. Despite the small issues of quality I experienced with the casting I don't think that is sufficient reason to not use these models. I think I'll continue to use metal cast or high quality plastics for player characters or other personalities but these do the job for everything else. 

And just to note: I was not compensated in anyway for my review. My dollars were spent for my toys.

Thank you for reading!

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